
Understanding young generation X-Y-Z in indonesia

To understand the younger generation in Indonesia, now required a more in-depth understanding of generational theory. Conception of archetypes introduce by Jung that empashize collective consciousness is needed more than ever to peel the difference between the three unique generations which are generation x, generation y, and z generation.

This Insight slide is an attempt to provide an overview of psychographic differences between young generations in Indonesia.

Indonesian Trendsetters 2016

The Apolitical Youth Campaigner in Indonesia 2014

What Indonesian Youth Says 1.0

Local Fashion Brands and Youthlab Keren Survei (Current Trends Shift)

Youthlab since last year trying to dig more deeply the meaning of ‘cool’ by young people, in Indonesian it is termed a “Cool”. It turned cool and prestige are two things that can not be separated.

Cool is closely associated with social class, political upheavals and developments teknologil. Here’s one of our survey results associated with prestige and Cool. Is a local fashion brand started losing their local fans, whether it is associated with the entry of foreign fashion brands through the MAP? insights that are worth exploring further implications by brand managers Youthlab since last year try to dig more deeply for the meaning of `cool` by the young Indonesian people, in Indonesian it is termed Keren.

It turned out that Keren and prestige are two things that can not be separated. Cool is also closely associated with social class,political dynamics and technological developments.

Here’s one of our survey results associated with prestige and Cool. the main question: Is local fashion brand start to lose their local fans,is it associated with the last entry of foreign fashion brands through MAP? insights that are worth exploring for its implications by brand managers Muhammad Faisal

*kata kunci: pemasaran, tren anak muda,riset anak muda, riset pemasaran, strategi pemasaran anak muda, jasa riset, jasa riset pemasaran, biro riset pemasaran, konsultan pemasaran, data anak muda