
Indonesian youth trends in a 2019 kaleidoscope

Indonesian youth generational trends 2015 TEASER

  1. Soulul Trademark of our report Youth Insights Youth Laboratory Indonesia
  2. Tabel of Content
    Indonesia Overview: The Generational Theory
    1.Youth Identity Construction
    2.Keren; Old & New Definition
    3.Gengsi; New Definition
    4.Alay; Who & What Their Values Are
    5.Social Media for Average Youth
    6.Emerging Trends Outside Jakarta
    7.The Importance of Having Hobby
    8.Emotion based on Political Issues
    9.Youth Media Habit 10.Indonesian Generation Turnings (as conclusion)
Creative Inspiration from the streets of Yogyakarta

Youth Marketing: The discourse of free spirit among Indonesian Youth

The young Indonesian are on the transition of values, from communal and tradisionalist to modernist, they seek ‘the free spirit’ influencers as they are the model figure that nourish their hunger for self esteem.find more about it through this insights slide

Indonesian youth marketing trends for banks

Indonesian youth marketing trends for banks. In a society so custom with cash how bank will prevail doing marketing for youth. A youth marketing insight for Indonesian Youth market

Youth & twitter trends in Indonesia

Twitter trends in Indonesia became huge with a high pace since the last 5 years. Find out how youth interact with social movement, politician, and community account on twitter, and how those account create buzz

Indonesian animology: Trends on youth anime community

17 great youth marketing quotes from 2nd yis jakarta